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Core Faculty

Core Faculty

Deepika Bahri Headshot
Deepika Bahri
Professor, English
N404E Callaway
Angelika Bammer Headshot
Angelika Bammer
Director of Undergraduate Studies
S405 Callaway
María M. Carrión Headshot
María M. Carrión
Professor, Comparative Literature and Religion
S215 Callaway
Elena Glazov-Corrigan Headshot
Elena Glazov-Corrigan
Professor, Russian and East Asian Languages and Cultures
309 Modern Languages Building
Irving Goh Headshot
Irving Goh
Professor, Comparative Literature
Elizabeth Goodstein Headshot
Elizabeth Goodstein
Professor of English, Comparative Literature and the Liberal Arts
S422 Callaway
Valérie Loichot Headshot
Valérie Loichot
Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of French and English
N405C Callaway
Elissa Marder Headshot
Elissa Marder
Professor, French and Comparative Literature
N413 Callaway
Sean Meighoo Headshot
Sean Meighoo
Director of Graduate Studies
S403 Callaway
Ronald Mendoza-de Jesús Headshot
Ronald Mendoza-de Jesús
Acting Associate Professor, Comparative Literature
Andrew Mitchell Headshot
Andrew Mitchell
Winship Distinguished Research Professor, Philosophy
320 Bowden Hall
Mehtap Ozdemir Headshot
Mehtap Ozdemir
Assistant Professor, Comparative Literature
S-106-B Callaway South
José Quiroga † Headshot
José Quiroga †
Professor, Spanish and Comparative Literature
S407 Callaway
Violeta Ruiz Espigares Headshot
Violeta Ruiz Espigares
Visiting Assistant Professor, Comparative Literature
S408 Callaway
Deborah Elise White Headshot
Deborah Elise White
Associate Professor, English
N404D Callaway

CPLT Graduate Faculty

Timothy Holland Headshot
Timothy Holland
Assistant Professor, Film & Media
1627 N. Decatur Rd. - Rm. 105

Emeritus Faculty

Bracht Branham Headshot
Bracht Branham
Faculty Emeritus
Mikhail Epstein Headshot
Mikhail Epstein
Faculty Emeritus
Shoshana Felman Headshot
Shoshana Felman
Woodruff Professor of Comparative Literature and French
John Johnston Headshot
John Johnston
Professor, English and Comparative Literature
Walt Reed Headshot
Walt Reed
Faculty Emeritus
Jill Robbins Headshot
Jill Robbins
Professor, Religion